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A stellar team focused on leveling-up.

Dwight Gunnarson
CEO, Founder

Dwight "Dewey" Gunnarson

Our Fearless Leader. Entertains the office with sensuous and godlike trombone playing.
Holly Coil
Customer Success

Holly Coil

She's got a smile so big you can't help but smile back.
Dan Horsch
Developer, UI/UX Front-end Developer

Dan Horsch

Shenanigator. Doer of all shenanigans and snuggler of Moose.
General Manager

Rebecca Streit

Full of sass and wrapped in class. She is also known for mixing up an epic “Becky Bomb”
Customer Success Manager

Kelly Troska

Whoever said shoes can't buy happiness...has never seen her closets!
Giancarlo Canessa
Developer, Software Architect

Giancarlo Canessa

Best. Storyteller. Ever. You might even pee a little.
Joe Huber
Business Development

Joe Huber

So cool, even ice cubes get jealous.
Mike Kampa
Customer Success

Mike Kampa

He’s taking over the world, just as soon as Mike, Michael and Kampa perfect their golf swing.

Career Opportunities

We're Always Looking for Talent!
Browse our current job openings, while these are the only positions our company is actively seeking, we're always pursuing talented, and driven people.